Materials and Energy are master keys of an open challenge, which dominates our world and its future.
Reason to this, ICOME’23 is a international meeting which dedicated to cutting edge research that addresses scientific needs of academic researchers, industrial and professionals, as well, to explore new horizons of knowledge onto various topics in interlink between Materials & Energy applications.
Our conference will host Keynotes and Symposium sessions that will be dedicated to Eco-materials, sustainable construction, Ferroïc superlattice materials, development of new material coatings with high performances, energy conversion approaches, residual biomass resources for recovering energy, simulation challenges for industrial fluid flows and thermosolutal transfer, to name but a few.
The Scientist will observe, understand, quantify and predict while the Engineer will find, transform, create and use. This gear has allowed molding the development of modern science creating a close link between disciplines, such as Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry and Physics. All this justifies the dedication of an international periodical edition to the topic of Materials & Energy ( ICOME series ).
Our Conferences' series on Materials & Energy is a promoter of the initiatives of young researchers, for the recognition and realization of the importance of the event, in the first place, and for the training that takes place within.
As usual, a special Topical School will take place in our event. The latter will be dedicated to our dear participants with the aim to benefit the presence of the International Speakers, like the previous editions. All these initiatives have allowed settling the foundations of the pyramid of knowledge, allowing many to accelerate their scientific progress, the innovation, the socio-economic cost, the difference of points of view, the ethics ... So much quality that accompany the scientist in his quest for truth.
ICOME’23 is scheduled to include high quality contribution during presentation sessions, and to engage participants in interesting discussion sessions.
Accepted abstracts, followed by full paper submissions, will be presented as Oral or Posted in the corresponding session of the Conference, which listed in special topics (see the joined list).
Looking forward to hearing back from you, and welcoming you in ICOME’23, CASERTA - ITALY.